

主耶稣第一次来 - 道成肉身(约1: 14)
The First Coming of Jesus - His Incarnation

一. 耶稣基督道成肉身
The incarnation of Jesus Christ

1. “及至时候满足”耶稣降生
Jesus was born in “the fullness of time”

2. 耶稣是神给人类的礼物,祂是完全的神,又是完全的人
Jesus is the gift of God to mankind, and He is both fully God and fully Man

二. 道成肉身的目的
The purposes of the incarnation

1. 将神显明给人
To reveal God to man

(1) 过去神藉著祂造的世界和祂的话显明祂自己
In the past, God had revealed Himself through His world and His Word

(2) 基督來了,神藉著耶穌基督向人顯明
In the coming of Jesus, God was revealed in the person of Jesus Christ

2. 救赎堕落的罪人
To redeem fallen man

(1) 世人都犯了罪。若不流血,罪不得赦免
All have sinned, without shedding blood there is no remission

(2) 主耶稣献上自己的身体,流血为我们赎罪
Lord Jesus offered His body, and shed His blood as an eternal sacrifice for the sins of man

3. 恢复神当初造人的旨意,人要管理神所造的万物
To recover God’s initial purpose for man, that man will reign over God’s creation

(1) 亚当(人)是照着神的形象造的,赋予治理全地的责任
Adam was created in the image of God and ruled over God’s creation

(2) 亚当失败了,整个人类失败了,不能达到神的旨意
When Adam fell, all mankind fell, and could not fulfill God’s purpose

(3) 主耶稣成肉身,在神性上加上人性,成功神的旨意
Because of the incarnation, our Lord added humanity to His deity as the God-Man and fulfilled God’s purpose

4. 为我们作慈悲忠信的大祭司
Making Jesus Christ the compassionate High Priest for us

三. 我们的回应---敬拜他,为主而活
Our response-- Worship Him and live for Him
